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Do-it-yourself Home Telework Cost-Benefit Analysis

Assess the costs and benefits of home-based teleworking/telecommuting from the point of view of your employer.

Please fill in the blanks in the form below. When you finish, click on the SUBMIT button and we will display the cost-benefit analysis for your particular case. You may then use the information as part of your pre- (or mid-) telecommuting discussions with your employer. If you are using this analysis to describe a group of teleworkers, use average values for your inputs.

Enter the data in the units you normally use. For example, if you're in the U.S. use dollars; in the UK use pounds; in the euro-based countries use euros; in Japan use yen; etc., for costs. Similarly, use square feet in the U.S. and square meters elsewhere for questions about areas. Enter "0" if you're not sure about the cost—but then try later to find out what it is. Also, only enter costs that are borne by your employer and that are new or differential costs. For example, if your employer ordinarily pays for a desktop computer for you and you give up that computer for a laptop that you use both while teleworking and while you are in the office, then enter the difference in cost between the laptop and the desktop computers rather than the entire cost of the laptop.

Note that we do record your input data for statistical analysis purposes. However, we do not record any personal data and no individual records will be divulged to anyone other than the analysts at JALA.

What is your annual salary?
How many days per month will/do you telecommute, on average?
If you also work in a traditional office, what is the area of your workspace?
What is the monthly equivalent rental/lease cost of that workspace per unit area?
What is the cost of training you and your supervisor for effective teleworking?
What is the cost of planning the project, per telecommuter?
What is the cost of employer-paid installation for the necessary telecommunications connections and equipment in the home?
What is the monthly cost of employer-paid telecommunications services, including any necessary Internet access from home?
If your employer pays for your computer, how much does that cost exceed what it would be if you were not telecommuting?
What is the cost, if any, of moving computer-related equipment to your home?
What is the cost of installing and setting up telework-related equipment and providing proper workplace safety arrangements in your home?
What is the equivalent monthly rental/lease cost of your dedicated workspace, if any, at your employer's facility?
What is the cost of any employer-supplied furniture for your home office?
Enter any other employer-covered monthly furniture rental costs here?
What is the imputed annual cost of insurance that is specific to your telecommuting arrangements?
Enter the cost of any additional equipment purchased by your employer, except for equipment transferred from your pre-telecommuting workplace?
Enter the monthly cost of any additional equipment leased/rented by your employer, except for equipment transferred from your pre-telecommuting workplace?
What is the cost of per capita cost of evaluating the performance of the telecommuting program during its first year?
How much does your employer pay monthly, after taxes, for parking space if your drive to work on non-telecommuting days?
What is your employer's gain, per capita, from telecommuting-induced increased competitiveness?
How much does your employer save, per capita, by telecommuting-induced decreases in air pollution [only relevant where there are fines for violating air quality regulations]?
Please check your answers to make sure that your have answered all the questions, even if "0" is the answer. You may wish to print a copy of this page for your records before clicking on SUBMIT.


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Last modified: Tuesday January 3, 2012
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