Products and Services
- JALA's Publications
A listing, with brief descriptions, of books, articles, and reports
produced by JALA
- Telework Center CBA
A simplified cost-benefit analysis spreadsheet, from the employer's
point of view, of a telework center
- Home-based Teleworking CBA
A simplified cost-benefit analysis spreadsheet, from the employer's
point of view, of a home-based telework situation
- JALA's Telework-related Services
An overview of our history and services related to telework and telecommuting.
- Telework Service Details
A more detailed description of our telework-related services
- Teleworker Selection Procedure
JALA's system for helping estimate the likelihood of success for various
telework situations
- Applied Futures Research and Technology
JALA also has a substantial futures research and forecasting capability.
Check it out
- Speeches and presentations
Jack Nilles is also available for presentations about telework or futures research to
audiences of all sizes, in person or via the Internet. For example, he gave the keynote speech to
the First International Telework Fair in Bogotá, Colombia.
is a trademark of JALA International. All other products mentioned are registered
trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Search is powered by iSearch from Z-Host.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to info at
Last modified:
Tuesday January 15, 2013.
JALA International
Los Angeles,